Privacy Notice

“Rockit Africa”, “Rockit Life”, “Rockit”, “we”, “us” and “our” means Rockit Limited and we are committed to respecting your privacy. 

We are registered in the UK and our registered address is at 13 Montpelier Avenue, Bexley, England, DA5 3AP, United Kingdom and our company registration number is 12763632.


About this privacy notice

For the purposes of data protection law, we are a data controller in respect of your personal data. Rockit Africa is responsible for ensuring that it uses your personal data in compliance with data protection law.

This privacy notice applies if you use the Rockit app or other related Rockit Africa service. We offer our users information and choices about the data we collect, use and share in accordance with this Privacy Notice, our Cookies Policy, the User Account Settings on the Rockit app and our User Terms and Conditions. This Privacy Notice sets out the basis on which any personal data about you that either a) you provide to us, b) we create, or c) we obtain about you from other sources, will be processed by us. Please take the time to read and understand this privacy notice. 


Personal data that we collect about you

We will collect and process the following personal data about you:

  • Information that you provide to us or one of our affiliates. This includes information about you that you give us by filling in forms or by communicating with us, whether face-to-face, by phone, e-mail or otherwise. This information may include, but is not limited to:

    • Name of individual employees, name of employer, email address, contact number(s), position within the company, home address (for identity verification), employment address.

  • Information we collect or generate about you. This includes:

    • You and others may post content that includes information about you (as part of articles, posts, comments, videos) on third party services such as social media. We collect public information about you, such as professional-related comments and news to better understand how we may improve our services and better support our clients.

  • Information we obtain from other sources.

    • Our regulatory risk management partners, payment service partners, lending partners and payment resolution partners may provide us with additional information about you, your employer/company, its employees and its directors.


Uses of your personal data

Your personal data may be stored and processed by Rockit Africa in the following ways and for the following purposes:

  • you have requested to become a User of the Rockit app;

  • we have legal and/or regulatory obligations that we have to satisfy;

  • you have requested a service from one of our third-party partners and they have requested information about

  • you as part of their regulatory checks;

  • we are undertaking an assessment for compliant use of our software per Rockit Africa User Terms and Conditions

  • we wish to contact you to offer software support, gauge satisfaction with our services, elicit feedback or suggest ways to save money on fees to be paid to us.

We are entitled to use your personal data in these ways because:

  • we have legal and regulatory obligations that we have to discharge;

  • we may need to in order to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights or for the purpose of legal proceedings; or

  • the use of your personal data as described is necessary for our legitimate business interests (or the legitimate interests of one or more of our affiliates), such as:

    • providing you with access to the Rockit app and other Rockit Africa services;

    • you have requested a service from one of our third-party partners and they have requested information about you as part of their regulatory checks;

    • we are undertaking an assessment to check your compliant use of the Rockit Africa in accordance with our User Terms and Conditions

    • we wish to contact you to offer software support, gauge satisfaction with our services, elicit feedback or suggest ways to save money on fees to be paid to us.


Disclosure of your information to third parties

We may also share your personal data outside of Rockit Africa:

  • to third party agents (for example, the technology and banking partners as well as lending and dispute resolution services) for the purposes of providing services to you;

  • if we sell any of our business or assets, in which case we may disclose your personal data to the prospective buyer for due diligence purposes;

  • if we are acquired by a third party, in which case personal data held by us about you will be disclosed to the third party buyer;

  • to third party agents or contractors (for example, the providers of our electronic data storage services) for the purposes of providing services to us. These third parties will be subject to confidentiality requirements and they will only use your personal data as described in this privacy notice; and

  • to the extent required by law, for example if we are under a duty to disclose your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation, establish, exercise or defend our legal rights.


Transfers of personal data outside the Service Use Location

The personal data that we collect from you may be transferred to, and stored at, a destination outside the country in which you use our services (“service use location”). It may also be processed by staff operating outside of the service use location who work for our affiliates or for one of our suppliers. 

Where we transfer your personal data outside the service use location, we will ensure that it is protected in a manner that is consistent with how your personal data will be protected by us in the service use location. This can be done in a number of ways, for instance:

  • the country that we send the data to might be approved by the service use location;

  • the recipient might have signed up to a contract based on “model contractual clauses” approved by the service use location, obliging them to protect your personal data; or

  • where the recipient is located in the US, it might be a certified member of a Privacy Shield scheme. 

In other circumstances, the law may permit us to otherwise transfer your personal data outside the service use location. In all cases, however, we will ensure that any transfer of your personal data is compliant with data protection law. 

You can obtain more details of the protection given to your personal data when it is transferred outside the service use location (including a copy of the standard data protection clauses which we have entered into with recipients of your personal data) by contacting us in accordance with the “Contacting us” section below.


Retention of personal data

How long we hold your personal data for will vary. The retention period will be determined by various criteria including:

  • the purpose for which we are using it – we will need to keep the data for as long as is necessary for that purpose; and

  • legal obligations – laws or regulation may set a minimum period for which we have to keep your personal data.


Your rights

You have a number of legal rights in relation to the personal data that we hold about you. These rights include:

  • the right to obtain information regarding the processing of your personal data and access to the personal data which we hold about you;

  • the right to withdraw your consent to our processing of your personal data at any time; Please note, however, that we may still be entitled to process your personal data if we have another legitimate reason (other than consent) for doing so.

  • in some circumstances, the right to receive some personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and/or request that we transmit those data to a third party where this is technically feasible; Please note that this right only applies to personal data which you have provided to us.

  • the right to request that we rectify your personal data if it is inaccurate or incomplete;

  • the right to request that we erase your personal data in certain circumstances; Please note that there may be circumstances where you ask us to erase your personal data but we are legally entitled to retain it.

  • the right to object to, and the right to request that we restrict, our processing of your personal data in certain circumstances; Again, there may be circumstances where you object to, or ask us to restrict, our processing of your personal data but we are legally entitled to continue processing your personal data and / or to refuse that request. and

  • the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection regulator (details of which are provided below) if you think that any of your rights have been infringed by us.

You can exercise your rights by contacting us using the details set out in the “Contacting us” section below.

You can find out more information about your rights by contacting the Information Commissioner’s Office, or by searching their website at 


Contacting us

If you would like further information on the collection, use, disclosure, transfer or processing of your personal data or the exercise of any of the rights listed above, please address questions, comments and requests via email to

Cookie Policy

Does Rockit Africa use cookies?

Yes. As described in the About this privacy notice Section of our Privacy Notice, we use cookies and other technologies to ensure everyone who uses Rockit Africa has the best possible experience. Cookies also help us keep your account safe. By continuing to visit our sites or use our services, you are agreeing to the use of cookies and similar technologies for the purposes we describe in this policy.


What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small file placed onto your device that enables Rockit Africa features and functionality. For example, cookies enable us to identify your device, secure your access to Rockit Africa and our sites generally, and even help us know if someone attempts to access your account from a different device. Cookies also enables you to easily share content on Rockit Africa as well as potentially help us serve relevant ads to you.


When does Rockit Africa place cookies?

We use cookies on our sites (such as and and mobile applications. Any browser visiting these sites will receive cookies from us. 


What types of cookies does Rockit Africa use?

We use two types: persistent cookies and session cookies. A persistent cookie helps us recognise you as an existing user, so it’s easier to return to Rockit Africa or interact with our services without signing in again. After you sign in, a persistent cookie stays in your browser and will be read by Rockit Africa when you return to one of our sites. Session cookies only last for as long as the session (usually the current visit to a website or a browser session).


What are cookies used for?

Cookies can be used to recognise you when you visit Rockit Africa, remember your preferences, and give you a personalized experience that is in line with your settings. Cookies also make your interactions with Rockit Africa faster and more secure. Finally, cookies allow us to bring you advertising both on and off the Rockit Africa sites.



If you’re signed in to Rockit Africa, cookies help us show you the right information and personalize your experience.



We use cookies to enable and support our security features, and to help us detect malicious activity and violations of our User Terms and Conditions.


Preferences, features and services

Cookies can tell us which language you prefer and what your communications preferences are. They can help you fill out forms on Rockit Africa more easily. They also provide you with features, insights, and customised content in conjunction with our plugins. You can learn more about plug-ins in our Privacy Notice.



We may use cookies to show you relevant advertising both on and off the Rockit Africa site. We may also use a cookie to learn whether someone who saw an ad later visited and took an action (e.g. downloaded a white paper or made a purchase) on the advertiser’s site. Similarly, our partners may use a cookie to determine whether we’ve shown an ad and how it performed, or provide us with information about how you interact with ads. We may also work with a partner to show you an ad on or off Rockit Africa, such as after you’ve visited a partner’s site or application.


Performance, Analytics and Research

Cookies help us learn how well our site and application perform in different locations. We also use cookies to understand, improve, and research products, features, and services, including when you access Rockit Africa from other websites, applications, or devices such as your work computer or your mobile device.


How are cookies used for advertising purposes?

Cookies and other ad technology such as beacons, pixels, and tags help us serve relevant ads to you more effectively. They also help us provide aggregated auditing, research, and reporting for advertisers, understand and improve our service, and know when content has been shown to you. Note: Because your web browser may request advertisements and beacons directly from third party ad network servers, these networks can view, edit, or set third party cookies, just as if you had requested a web page from their site. Ads served by Rockit Africa may also set third party cookies.

If you are logged in on, or another Service that references this Cookies Policy or are browsing a third party partner site of Rockit Africa and one of our cookies on your device identifies you, your usage (such as your browsing behaviour) and log data (such as your IP address), will be associated by us with your account as noted in Sections # of our Privacy Notice. We also use aggregate data from third parties and data from your profile and Rockit Africa activity.

If you are a Rockit Africa User but logged out of your account on a browser, Rockit Africa may still continue to log your interaction with our services on that browser for up to 30 days in order to generate usage analytics for our services, and we may share those analytics, in aggregate form, with our advertising Users.

Unless you clear these cookies from your browser, we may use this information to:

  • provide more relevant, interest-based advertising;

  • provide aggregate reports of ads activity to advertisers and websites hosting the ads;

  • help website and app owners understand how visitors engage with their sites or apps;

  • detect and defend against fraud and other risks to protect users and partners;
improve our products.

For further information regarding our use of cookies and similar technologies for advertising purposes, and the controls available to Users and Visitors, please see the Uses of your personal data Section of our Privacy Notice.


What third-party cookies does Rockit Africa use?

Our cookie table lists some of the third party cookies on our sites. Please note that the names of cookies, pixels and other technologies may change over time. 


Controlling cookies

Most browsers allow you to control cookies through their settings preferences. However, if you limit the ability of websites to set cookies, you may worsen your overall user experience, since it will no longer be personalized to you. It may also stop you from saving customized settings like login information.


What if you don’t want cookies to be set or want them removed?

If you are a Visitor, you can opt-out of our advertising cookies here. For Users, our ad settings are here.  If you do not want to receive cookies, you can also change your browser settings on your computer or other device you’re using to access our services. If you use Rockit Africa without changing your browser settings, we’ll assume that you’re happy to receive all cookies on the Rockit Africa website. Most browsers also provide functionality that lets you review and erase cookies, including Rockit Africa cookies. Please note that the Rockit Africa site will not work properly without cookies.

To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit,, or